At a time where we literally are feeling slapped in the face by anti-gay legislation around the Nation, The LGBTQI and Straight Allies are pulling together like never before. In some ways this is reminicent of the 80's when people took to the streets to Act Up and fight AIDS.
Today we will see a nationally coordinated rally for Equal Rights. I believe it will be an outpouring of LGBTQI and others standing together like never before to say, "You can't legislate love, wake up America and realize that you are not living up to the American ideal of equal rights, freedom and protection for all." Go to jointheimpact.org to learn more.
The honest truth is that many in our community are angry, and although that anger is being channeled in positive directions for the most part, there have been the rare moments when someone boils over and loses it on some person spewing their particular brand of hate. But love conquers all my friends, and make no mistake, this is all about love. Therefor we SHALL overcome!

Here in Phoenix people will be rallying together for Equal Rights for all at Cesar Chavez Memorial, today at 11:30 am. That's at 200 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ. And I encourage you to be there with your loved ones to stand together hand in hand, showing our love to the world, even those who hate us. For they can not legislate our love. We will stand strong, and we will overcome.
Or drop by the Cherry bar or Club Forbidden where they are having some amazing events. Buy a drink, have some fun and support local charities.
But most importantly: whatever you do tomorrow,
spread love not h8.
Blessings, indulgence and loving light,
Sister Mischif
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