November 22nd hundreds gathered at Glendale Community College's performance arts center to support the college for putting on the Larame Project.
GCC decided to perform the Larame Project in honor of the 10 year anniversary of the death of Matthew Shephard. They were told that a church preaching hate of gays would show up to protest the event,

the same church whose pastor is represented in the play, the Larame Project. Instead, all you could see outside GCC's Performing Arts Center were hundreds of students, H.E.R.O.s and other supporters. Sometimes standing silently in memory of matthew shephard and the very first angel action which took place at his funeral...sometimes singing Amazing Grace or some other hymnal, these people shared the love.

Thank you to the students and faculty of GCC for standing firm and holding their play despite the threat of Fred Phelps attendance. And thank you to those two lovely ladies in the back working lights and sound who so often go unnoticed.
Here are some of my favorite photos from before during and after our Angel Action for the Larame Project:

Transarchist Pride outside the Larame Project
Don't forge the Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 21st About 100 students, faculty, and community members gathered at ASU to remember those who have been killed for their gender presentation or identity. In the forground of the photo to the left are 2 local students, Kam and Fred hold their lit candles in memory of those lost.

This is an annual gathering held each November around the world, and the Sisters were honored to participate in ASU's touching memorial. We found ourselves welcomed afterwards by several students. Thank you for making us feel so welcome Kendall, Kyle, Fred, Kam, Gavin, Antonio, et al!!
Join me at the Arizona State Capitol Sunday Nov 23rd at 5 PM or visit transgenderdor.org to find a Transgender Day of Remembrance near you and light a candle for those known and unknown

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