Sometimes people ask me why I became a Sister. And last night a large part of why I became a Sister was able to be lived out. It's not the only reason, but one large piece of what I love is personal connection. Last night Sister Felicity, myself and some friends went over to Alternatives Health and Wellness Center (also known as 1 VCC) and had some delicious Italian sodas.
While we were there, I had a wonderful conversation with a lovely latino man and his friend about who Sisters are, and what we do. They asked if we knew Harry Hayes...and being me, I wasn't sure who they meant. They then asked if I knew the history of the Radical Faeries, and I said yes some of the founding Sisters were radical Fae.

The Radical Faeries were in fact founded by
John Burnside and his partner... and thanks to the miracle of modern technology, I was able to pull my cell phone out, google Radical Faery founders and find out that they were meaning
Harry Hay. It was a wonderful reminder, and I want to pay all due respect here to the co-founders of the Radical Faeries for all the light and love they brought into the world.
Then today I received a phone call from Sister MP who was getting ready to meet up with one of the founders of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and head out to the Burnside Mermorial. I wish I could have gone with them.

But I'd like to think that Harry Hay and John Burnside were there watching over Sister Felicity, myself and all our fabulous Burning Bush Drum Circle friends last night as we banged away on our drums, danced, spun fire, and shared space together.

Blessed be to all the Faery folk out there. May you find peace, love and joy on your path, and equal rights in this strange land we live.
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