See the following email from Luis for details:
As you know Tuesday was a sad day for Arizona, and the feeling that rushed through every GLTB Arizonan was one of sadness, despair and ultimate frustration. We need to do something about this, and now. There is no time like the present; we need to infuse the hope back into Arizona.
The community needs an outlet, somewhere to come together and feel as though they are being heard. A venue where the tears can flow, for the ground we lost on Tuesday. But after those tears it will be a place that will be filled with hope, a place that will allow us to come together and speak of where we will go from here. The upcoming road may be harder, longer, and steeper, but we shall overcome.
I feel at least we need to have a community gathering, possibly a candlelight vigil to recognize the people and families that our state constitution now does not, along with infusing some hope about the future into the mix. Something to make the community feel embraced and heard, to give them hope and the strength to continue the battle for equality.
-Meg Sneed and Luis Garcia
Date: Monday, November 10, 2008
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Camelback and Central
City/Town: Phoenix, AZ
Even if you can not attend tomorrow, wear a pink triangle that says 2nd class citizen.
This country's constitution protects against discriminating, it seems bizarre to see AZ, CA and FL passing a proposition to change their constitution to ADD IN discrimination! You can not discriminate against one group's marriage. Not only can love not be legislated, but it's equivalent to saying "Blacks can't vote but white's can." or "Women don't have freedom of speech but men do. " So tomorrow I will be there to lend a support to my community and spread hope for change.
Blessed be,
Sister Mischif
"We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy."
The Great Martin Luther King Jr.
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