Sunday, January 27, 2008

Condom Ministry!

Sister Mischif!!, originally uploaded by Ora Lee Wunderbar.

Oralee and I went out with Sentry Spiketakiss and Aspirant Felicity last night to do some condom ministry. That little pink packet tucked into his jock strap holds a condom and a packet of lube.

We started out at Cellblock to wish them luck on their Mr Cellblock Leather contest. Congratulations Kenneth, I am sure you will do your title bar proud.

After the Cellblock, we headed over to Friends where we handed out about 30 more condom/lube packets, talked with people about staying safe out there, and generally had a blast.

And the last bar of the night was Forbidden where we danced, handed out another bunch of condoms, ran out of safety pamphlets, and generally had a good time! Afterwards we were tired but hungry so we rounded off the evening by stopping in at "Genny's" (the Denny's on 7th and Camelback) where they served me yummy meat and cherry sprite.

To learn more about how you can stay safe and play fair visit our safety pages at

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