Here's a note from the chair of Aunt Rita's Foundation who is bringing Aids Walk back to Hell ...er... Phoenix:
Please join Aunt Rita’s Foundation and a host of other community organizations and leaders as we celebrate the launch of AIDS Walk Phoenix! Enclosed with this letter is an invitation to the Launch Party on Tuesday, June 26, 2007, at TICOZ (
The 2004 demise of AIDS Walk
Aunt Rita’s Foundation is pleased to partner with the Rainbows Festival to bring AIDS Walk Phoenix to the Valley in October, 2008. We and our partner organizations have just over a year to plan and raise funds and raise awareness and make AIDS Walk Phoenix one of the best AIDS Walks ever seen in the Valley of the Sun.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. I can be reached via telephone at (602) 840-0364 or via e-mail at Emoore1013@yahoo.com. It is my sincere hope that you and members of your staff and Board will join us on Tuesday, June 26th as we celebrate the launch of AIDS Walk Phoenix. We’ll see you soon!
For Love and For Justice,
Aunt Rita’s Foundation
Board of Directors
P.S. Ticoz welcomes you for happy hour from 4:30 to 6:30. Please consider staying for dinner. Ticoz offers an excellent menu and was proud to serve as one of the top 100% restaurants for Dining Out For Life! For reservations on the 26th (anytime after 7:00) call: (602) 200-0160.
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