WOOOOH! It's been a busy month for the Sisters! And of course it is, June marks the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, and thus is Queer Pride month all over the place, however you word it, the truth is, it's a month that we gather to celebrate the diversity, beauty and wonder that is each GLBT person. Speaking of beautiful diversity, congratulations to our Palm Springs Sisters for receiving their black veils! I hear the Exequator party (same weekend as SW Leather Pride) was wonderful, unfortunatly I can't be in two places at once, or I'd have been there!

Of course first we started out at Friends for Sunday brunch with the Sisters... who would want to miss that?!?! Not I... there in face, no matter HOW early:

And of course boi Carlie was there as well for a little afternoon healing session for her sleepy head:

ECHO's 2007 Reader's Choice Awards were such a wonderful opportunity to come out and support our community by bringing joy, and levity to a fun event while wearing festive habits! Talk about expiating stigmatic guilt and promulgating universal joy via habitual manifestation!

When we first arrived at Wrigley's Mansion, we entered through the front entrance, only to discover a Wedding was being prepared for. So while we were waiting for our gold cart to ride us over to the correct entrance, Sister B'neatha, Frankly and myself greeted folks in the wedding party and welcomed them in style
There were people from all over the place, I got to meet the wonderful Beck, from 1 in 10, who later was up on stage announcing some awards, and I believe they picked up an award themselves... correct me if I'm wrong (They certainly should have with all the good they do!) 1 in 10 is our local GLBT youth organization, and is a great group.

The guys from Unique on Central hung out with the Sisters all night, and they won reader's choice award for Best Business of 2007! GO UNIQUE! Of course Sister Isis had to bogart the award for the evening ;)

We just had a blast with all the cuties be they GLBT or other. I look forward to attending again next year. Tho next year I hope we get to have a more active role of course, this year we didn't know about it till the week before DOH! Somebody wasn't reading ECHO closely enough apparently! Naughty nuns! You can bet I'll be doing more than skimming for pictures of cute guys from now on ;)

There are tons more pics of course, so you'll have to go check them out on our website at
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