I haven't posted here in a while as I've been too busy to sit down let alone write in a blog. But this Novice being busy means there is much to write about, and many pics!
Since Pride I have blessed International Ms Leather for her title year, participated in several rituals - some private and some public, and written and officiated a blessing for the grand opening of Jaded. Officiated....ooh I sound all official and stuff! It was great fun and much laughter was had by all.

So let's see... I don't really have many pics from the IMsL blessing yet.. just this one of me with a cute leather pup... It was a fun night, much merriment and well wishing, and of course my off the cuff and ever so hilarious yet heartfelt blessing... and then her Master stood on stage and informed everyone she had earned her "cover" in a beautiful ritual of their own. I will look for the link to her pictures of that evening and eventually when boy Marshal sends me the ones he took, I'll post those as well ;)

The San Diego Sisters, visiting Phoenix, lead us in a Sister's prayer before a whirlwind tour of the local gay bars. This took place Memorial Day weekend in the labyrinth in my backyard. The Sisters with the colored veils are from San Diego.

Two of them, Sisters Iona Doublewyde and

Nora Torios took their public vows that night out in front of the Padlock (now the Cellblock) which was a really powerful thing.

It was pretty funny at times as well, because as the 2 Sisters taking their vows stood in the center of a circle of Sisters and locals, a few people standing off to the side were chatting away and Sister Amanda cracked us all up by shushing them and saying "We're trying to be religous here!" it was freakin hilarious.

Later that evening Sister Amanda gave me some cigars that were truly worth worshiping which we enjoyed on the patio of the Eagle.

The next day she lead us in another ritual in my backyard around the fire pit. You just have to love her mixture of truely beautiful ritual with irreverant humor. At one point she felt the Grand Canion Missionary Sisters were getting much too serious, so Sister Amanda paused in front of one of our Sister Bears and said, "OH MY GOD You're HUGE!" Which of course cracked us all up. Nothing like a little laughter to raise the energy in ritual! Memorial Day Weekend was certainly memorable!
More recently, Novice Sister Frankly Truself and myself greeted the members of Living in

Leather Arizona (LILA) with glitter and "holy water" to set the space and welcome them to my home for their May meeting, a presentation by Tiger Lily on Joy in Ritual. We also lead the open and closing rituals for that night's meeting with a blessing on all in attendance, and a joyful commingling of sugar dots and happy face stickers in a small celebration of the group's gathering of joy and unity. Thank you to LILA for welcoming Nvc Sister Frankly and myself to your meeting, we had a fabulous time!

And finally, a blessing at Jaded's grand opening, as the new owners of the place formerly known as Burger Betty's reclaimed the space and made it their own. It was a night of better decor, better food, sexy men, more drag, and Sisters! You can't go wrong with Sisters!

For more pictures of all the above events, visit the Missionary Order of the Grand Canyon Sister's
photo page at
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