Join me tonight at BS West to celebrate the last day of June and the history of GLBTQI people in the United States and Pride for being our fabulous diverse selves, EVERYWHERE!
Here's a quote from GLAAD about the recent Scottsdale situation in case you're not up on the news, folks:
Gay Community Upset Over Scottsdale, Arizona Proclamation
Insulted. That’s how some members of Arizona’s gay community feel about a proclamation issued by Scottsdale. The City’s Human Relations Commission, had drafted a proclamation to designate June as Gay Awareness Month. Instead, Mayor Mary Manross issued a revised version recognizing a “Human Relations Diversity Observance Month” that doesn’t mention gays.
Manross says her goal was to make it more inclusive and to represent everyone. Sam Holdren, with the Arizona Human Rights Fund, which worked on the original proclamation, called it an “embarrassment” to the city and “slap in the face” to Scottsdale’s gay community.
Related stories: Gays protest changes in Scottsdale proclamation
Scottsdale Tribune-June 15, 2007
No matter what they say, about the GLBT Community, and Queer Pride Month in general... and no matter what Mayor Manross is willing or able to do in Scottsdale, I want to say that I for one love the GLBT citizens of Scottsdale and will be out celebrating the last day of June with my peeps tonight at BS West.
Just to remind people, of a little history... in June 2001 when President Bush refused to recognize Queer Pride Month (despite the existance of Black History Month, Women's History month, etc. etc.) the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence issued the following Proclamation written by Sister Kitty:
Queer Pride Month Every June
By The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc.
A Proclamation
WHEREAS; Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and all others labeled as Queer Americans have made incredible, beautiful and lasting contributions to our Nation in every field of endeavor. AND,
WHEREAS; Bull Dykes and Drag Queens led the 1969 Stonewall uprising in Greenwich Village in New York City; overturning centuries of oppression, fear and prejudice, leading to taking the streets in the early '70s with an 'in-your-face' attitude. Confronting the worst prejudices of a world that didn't accept them, they fought back against these prejudices, reclaiming the stereotypes about them and turning them into symbols of Queer Pride, AND
WHEREAS; Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and all others labeled as Queer Americans are our wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, friends and lovers, teachers, co-workers, colleagues and neighbors; and we have created and nurtured families with Love and Respect, AND
WHEREAS; Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and all others labeled as Queer Americans deserve equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as all Americans.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE, INC., 21ST Century Nuns, by virtue of the authority invested in us by the Expiation of Stigmatic Guilt and Promulgation of Universal Joy, do hereby proclaim June 2001 and every June hereafter as Queer Pride Month. We encourage all Americans and World citizens to observe this month with fabulous programs, ceremonies, parties, parades and fun-filled activities that celebrate our diversity and recognize the Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and all others labeled as Queer Americans whose many and varied contributions have enriched our cultural and national life and improved the lives of people throughout the world.
Be it proclaimed so this tenth day of June, in the year two thousand and one.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. San Francisco, California, United States of America.
Concept/text: Sister Kitty Catalyst
I may just be a lone Novice stuck in the Missionary Position ;) but Novice Sister Misc
hif loves you Scottsdale Queers! No matter what you identify as. So join me tonight for 2 for 1 drinks after 9pm at BS West