The recent
Sister's Scavenger Hunt raised over $1100 for AIDS Walk!
The winning scavenger team "What the Duck" found 23 Duckies, and the Miss Congeniality award went to Team Special K who stopped in at all of the bars for a drink, enjoying themselves and hunting for ducks. Although they found no ducks, Team Special K spread joy wherever they went and raised money for AIDS Walk so they deserve special recognition for being in the spirit of the night. We look forward to presenting a big check to AIDS Walk this weekend. (October 5th)

Blessings on all who participated and especially to Novice Honey B. Drippin who put together such a fun and successful fund raiser for
Phoenix AIDS Walk. I think you can expect to see great things from Honey and all of our Sisters to be!

And Remember, you can still register to walk with the Sisters or on your own at www.aidswalk2008.org! Just click "Join Team" and register to walk with Team "Grand Canyon Sisters and Friends" and we'll see you there!
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