70's BINGO was a blast!!! It was great seeing some new to BINGO faces who I recognized from out and about in the community; I only wish I could have stayed longer and partied into the wee hours with y'all. It was especially wonderful having the Project Hard Hat guys come out to play with us in their bright yellow outfits! (yes, their hard hats counted as a big hat)

I love working with the Project Hard Hat guys, because they do not use guilt to promote safer sex. Instead, they simply make condoms available to the greater Phoenix community, so that those who want to use them, have easy and free access. It's a wonderful thing, and September's BINGOs managed to bring in over $1200 dollars for Project Hardhat to continue bringing freelove gloves to the valley.

It was especially wonderful having our visiting Sister "Sister Right" here with us from down sout! No no, not Tucson, think more twang in her thang. That Sister is a blast and I enjoyed having her there to shake things up!
BINGO will continue every Monday at Icepics on 31st and McDowell next to the Red Devil from 8 to 10:30 PM. $2 donation for the first card, only $1 for every card after that. Drink Specials for those of you wearing big hats. There are great prizes, including concert tickets, limo rides, yoga class passes, games, and more.

October's donations will go to the Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment. So get out your big hats, bring your cash, prepare your Dias de las Muertes outfits for the last Monday of October, and get ready for some fun fun fun!