Friday night The Grand Canyon Sisters gathered in the ECHO parking lot where they provided us with a bus and a sexy bus driver who was straight as they come, but ever so silly and willing to joke around with us. I was pleased to see Bubbles riding in with Odora in a white convertible with the top down, looking for all the world like thelma and louise as drag nuns.
I'd like to thank Tim of ECHO magazine for providing us with everything he did, not just the bus, but a trolly the next day for the pride parade, and big ol banners welcoming us! What a fabulous way to make the Sisters feel at home in Phoenix and help us get our PRIDE on! It was great having him ride along with us, the sexy thang!

We enjoyed going out and introducing ourselves to people at the various bars, and it was nice to get to chat with the Sisters from out of town a bit too! Towards the end of the night, I found myself parking my ass near Mary Margaret X-plosion, and we had a very inspiring conversation! Unfortunatly I don't have a pic to share with you.
But then of course you know, this is Sister Mischif's blog so it's ALL about me darlings! If you want to see pictures of more of the Sisters we were out with that night, then go to
azsisters.org and visit the
photos page!

Novice Sister Leavia from Grand Canyon Sisters and The Sisters from Palm Springs were great fun at Friends! Sometimes it felt like there were almost more Sisters than anyone else there! But I couldn't really tell from my 'chair I was eyelevel with crotch and ass but could hardly see over the table tops. I can't say I minded too much!
And I can't get over the way those Palm Springs Sisters do their makeup. I hope they will continue sharing tips and tricks with us. Most of them are novices (other than Sister Mary Margaret X-plosion) so from above, we must have looked like a sea of white fluttering in the breeze. What a beautiful sight it must have been!
And speaking of beautiful, look at Sister Leavia's dress. We should have posed together with all our red, we looked fabulous!

Well, I didn't manage to get all the way through my ale before we had to move on to the next bar, but what's a nun to do, I passed my cup to someone taller and closer to the bar who was kind enough to pass off my glass for me and we hustled our bustles out the door to Charlies where I passed out cards about the Saturday night Adonis party, ran into some old friends and met some lovely people visiting from out of town. Unfortunately I don't have a ton of pics to share from Charlies, tho I'm hoping the one of Sister X-plosion's head in my crotch gets sent to me! If anyone has the group photos, please send them to srmischif@azsisters.org I must say, I always enjoy Charlies, but I had never been to the next bar before, and you know how I like shiney new cherrylicous experiences!

Apollos knows how to treat a nun right! Good God they were gracious and plentiful in plying us with drinks. I discovered my new holy water, Absolut Vodka with fruity flavors in it. Another cherry is popped! Thank goodness for Carlie, who I think was named "Guard Spike" this weekend, she helped me safely push my chair despite me.
I am sad to say that I don't remember the name of the lovely woman who I spoke with there about the new shelter for transgender women, but I gave her my card, so hopefully she will contact me now that pride is over as I would love to put together a fundraiser in conjunction with her for said shelter!

Slightly sloshed, but nun the worse for wear, I climbed back into the bus where I shimmied and sang my way to our final bar, Kobalt! "The Sisters go marching one by one hoorah hoorah, the Sisters go marching one by one, come join us now to have some fun and we all go marching far, to the bar, to get out of the sun!"
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