I fully enjoyed being out with the Missionary Order of the Grand Canyon Sisters for our first group manifestation! It was wonderful to bring our blessings to some of the bars in the Phoenix area, and speak with people from all over. Phoenix is like that, you never know where the people you meet are from. Some were visiting, but many had moved here from other places. A city of transplants, welcoming a flood of new Sisters to their bars. It was quite fun and interesting! I'm sure we left quite an impression. Follow the link on the title for a full set of pictures or of course you can view them on the photos page of azsisters.org! My thanks to slaveboi Carlie for taking the pictures and watching over me last night, and for a dear friend I call "Twink" for the lovely habit!
And here's one of me with Novices Sister Frankly Truself and Father Peter Licka de Coque:

The crowd at Nu-Town Saloon was huge! Who knew so many others would be out celebrating All Fools Day! I think we should make it an annual event! We passed out condoms, answered tons of questions about what the Grand Canyon Sisters are all about, passed out Sister blessings and invited people to come see us at Phoenix Pride the 14th and 15th, and at Burger Betty's on the 26th for our first charity event, "Dining out for Life". I'm looking forward to seeing all our new friends out and about!
Nvc Sr Mischif
Missionary Order of the Grand Canyon Sisters
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