Yesterday I was blessed with the opportunity to attend some awesome workshops and meet amazing people at Transform AZ. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures to share with you, because I was having such a blast I never dug the camera out. Go to
http://transform.transmentors.org/ for more details.

Then today I was able to join Transform AZ again at their picnic. It was a great time. I especially enjoyed Joe's performance, and the native american dancer who looked truly resplendant in her bright yellow buckskins.

It was great seeing friends old and new. Sister Frankly and Guard Spanky arrived just in time to see their favorite performer. I had a blast, but above all, I have to say that my favorite part was getting to sit and talk with such a variety of people. I can only wish I'd had more time. Fortunately for me, there will be such times in the future when I can reconnect with those people I met from the area. Community is such an important thing, it was good to connect with mine. Hundreds of people attended from all over the state, as well as some from California and elsewhere. Next year I hope even more come.
Blessed be,
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