For First Friday in Phoenix, there is a huge art walk. And it is a fantastic time! We started off at Amsterdams where of course we ran into family including Miss Ophelia Bunns, and some of her friends. We stopped by the gallery next door where we saw several art students sculptures, and then headed out to the art walk itself.

Felicity had made some signs, which said Give a Nunling a Hug (because she's a Postulant, we call her a nunling) and at first people weren't sure quite what to make of us, but soon people started getting into the spirit of things. We ran into the Ghost Busters, The ladies from a local Burlesque show, and some people with "Free Hugs" signs, and we collected over 130 dollars towards the 1 in 10 Beach Blanket Swimsuit Contest between 7th Street and Amsterdams. So Felicity was well on her way of her goal to raise funds for 1 in 10 and look sexy in a swimsuit. You go Grrrrrrl!

I had so much fun, that I want to go back again next month! But if you want to help out the 1 in 10 fundraiser before then there are plenty of opportunities, such as the next 2 Mondays at
Icepics for Big Hat Beach Ball Bingo with Miss Pandora!
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