Happy Beltaine to everyone, especially those pagans reading my blog. I have no idea how many people do read this, but I will presume the large portion of the world does just for the fun of it ;) Edit: Check out this amazing Beltane Society:

For those of you who do not know about Beltaine, let me tell you! I was too busy enjoying the concept that spring is here to write about it on May 1st. Often thought of as celebrations dancing around the may pole, I was thinking of dancing around Postulant Felicity, that skinny betch would make a great may pole!

And we're going out tonight for First Friday, so perhaps we will celebrate Spring on the streets of Central Phoenix tonight with other First Friday revelers. After all, it may be too hot on the First Fridays to come for white face and walking long distances, and I'm the only Sister on wheels in this group so far ;)
Back to Beltaine. You Can learn some about
Beltaine on wikipedia of course, and also on various pagan websites such as http://www.chalicecentre.net/beltaine.htm and
But for me, Beltaine has always been a time to welcome in spring with the faeries! For the 3 days before and afterwards, my family tends to spend a lot of time together eating, drinking, loving, and spreading peace and joy! Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out I smile. I know that this moment is perfect and wonderful just as it is. May you dance with the faeries and return to dance another day!

So see you out there tonight! We're going to have a blast, and while we're partying we'll have those beautiful collection buckets! Put 1 or 10 bucks in the bucket for 1 in 10 and help Felicity raise money for this fabulous youth group (See previous post for more details at