Recently on November 22nd, I had the honor of helping Body Positive staff during their staff retreat with a little fun and bonding. Novice Oralee Wunderbar (who I like to call the Emma Jizer Bunny) and I explained a bit about what a Sister is, and then showed them how to put on a happy, Sisterly face. This one reminded me of Sister Pixie in San Diego's Asylum of the Tortured Heart.

They created their own coronet, veil, and Sister face out of a shower curtain, visor and a very few bits and pieces of makeup, glitter, feathers pins, and glue. The scarcity of supplies meant they would have to beg, borrow, negotiate for or in some cases sneak off with the supplies they wanted. (I didn't expect that one! apparently thar blow some pirates matey!)

It was fun and to be honest, empowering to help others explore possible Sisterly personae and what it means to be a Sister. The winning entry into the contest at the end was Anita Cure who truly understood not only the joy we spread, but the message behind it.

Runner up had the most amazing makeup for a first try... And reminded me of Sister Maryposa Flutterby who passed on last year. I wish I'd had more time to get to know her.
She must have been watching over us and inspired this one:
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