Logan's Playground, a local organization for kids who have or are affected by HIV, had a Halloween party and pumpkin carving at Body Positive and we stopped by to spread some smiles. The kids thought we were witches at first glance and a couple got scared, but when we entered the area all smiles and laughter they quickly got over that. It was great fun and the volunteers and parents were great at providing a variety of games to entertain the kids. Everyone looked like they were having a blast.

Postulant Guard Spiketakiss and I had fun making colorful tissue paper ghosts to toss in the air. The smaller kids really enjoyed catching the flying ghosts so I let one little guy keep my 3 eye'd purple tissue paper ghost. After Spiketakiss and N. Sister Odora participated in a cake walk. You can see more on the AZ Sisters' blog at
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