Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
This is How - Sister Bingo

I worked the door and my usual vodka... greeting people and directing them either to the Sisters who were selling bingo and raffle tickets, or to the bar for brunch depending on why they were there, and of course if they were there for brunch letting them know about Bingo as well and vice versa.

Almost every Sister in the Mission was there helping out, and many hands make light work.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My Prayers for Southern Californians
There are a lot of people I love in Southern California, and right now many in San Diego and Orange Counties who have been evacuated out of their homes with the fear that the fires will take them. Here's a link with updated information about the San Diego fires, evacuation areas, etc. http://tinyurl.com/37dvp2
I empathize with those who are now in the uncertain, unknowing of fire season.
Already over 700 homes have been lost and I really feel for those families. Hopefully the government will step up like it did after the Northridge Earthquakes with help replacing your homes. I offer a prayer of thanks for your safety, and hope for your future.
And for people like my sister who have been evacuated and are living in that uncertainty waiting to see if your homes are saved, I pray for your continued safety physically and emotionally, and strength and safety for all the hard working firefighters through the difficult times. I hope that the most homes possible are saved. I pray for a break in the winds and relief from the fires.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Remembering Rainbows Festival

After running around the event and trying to visit every booth and person we could, Spiketakiss and I headed over to volunteer with Equality Arizona, raised money for them, and generally had a good time.
Oh and we helped Arizona Transgender Alliance with their candellight vigil for community unity (unitedENDA.org)
The candellight vigil for "Unity in our Community" took place behind Equality Arizona's booth at Rainbows Festival with their loving support and provision of a shady place to stand. Spiketakiss taped part of it for you:
Surprise surprise, was lead by, you guessed it, me. I wasn't expecting to do more than give them my blessings with Frankly, but was happy to be of service.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Don't Miss Sister Bingo!
Be part of the first ever Sister Bingo here in Phoenix Arizona. More info at azsisters.livejournal.com
I am getting so excited, are you!?!
Blessings from Brother Odd
We surround all men and all forms of life with infinite love and compassion.
Particularly, do we send out compassionate thoughts to those in suffering and sorrow,
to those in doubt and ignorance,
to all who are striving to attain truth,
and to those whose feet stand close to the great change that men call death,
we send forth all wisdom, mercy and love.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Joyous Jaunt at Tucson Pride

Here are some pictures from Tucson Pride. (parade and festival)

In Memory of Lady Jaye
Lady Jaye, you were a beautiful performer and brought joy to this world. The news of your passing was a shock to me. You brought joy and light into the lives of others through your performance. May you embrace your own joy in the life beyond this one.
I light a candle for your passing, and pray that your loved ones will have strength in the time of your loss. Yet I know you will join those who watch over us. May the Nuns of the Above greet you with the best party ever, and your next life be even better than this last!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Nuns in the Sun -Tucson Pride Weekend!

Friday night bar run
Saturday in the parade and at the pride fest (http://www.tucsonpride.org)
and Sunday in and cheering on the AIDS walk (http://www.aidswalktucson.com/)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
National Coming Out Day is TOMORROW
Especially with all that's going on politically these days... come out come out wherever you are!
And just for fun, check out my coming out video:
Have a blessed National Coming Out Day!
Yay! Bedtime Stories from Sister Unity
The Rabbit and the Moon (part 2)
Monday, October 8, 2007
HRC Sweatshop? You go SF!
Here in Arizona most of us are resting after a weekend of debauchery at Rainbows Festival. But while I'm resting, I thought I'd post another video for you which Spiketakiss and I took while there. First we have AZ Trans Alliance and friends protesting HRC:
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Brotherly Libations

It was bouncy trouncy, FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN, and I met lots of new friends!

playing with my camera:
and convincing people to tell me all their dirty little secrets... or at least how they feel about the Employment NonDiscrimination Act as you can see in this video of Ethan:
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Another little tidbit about Mischif (video)
Today we served literally hundreds of drinks and collected about $400 between donations and the money they'll get from the drink tickets. We'll be back at it tomorrow. Pics to come!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Celebrate Unity at the Rainbows Festival
Please join me tomorrow at Rainbows festival to
celebrate the joys of being yourself, and show your
support for a united ENDA.
- Between 10am and 6pm, be at Rainbows Festival (It's FREE!)
- Noon: come to the HRC booth and bring your notes and
letters on how you feel about HRC's double speak about
- Stop by Equality Arizona's Information booth and listen to a sample of the Equality Arizona radio show which will inform you all about United ENDA
- Spread love, joy and hope everywhere you go and
thank people for supporting an inclusive version of
ENDA. Love, joy and hope grow when shared.
- Buy a cool refreshing beverage at one of Equality Arizona's booths. I'll be pouring margarita's both days from 3-6pm!
If you can't make it to Rainbows to celebrate diversity with us,
There are many things you can do to help over the next
seven days:
Contact your member of the U.S. House of
Representatives today.
· Tell them you want H.R. 2015, the bill that
will provide employment protections for both sexual
orientation and gender identity.
Spread the word!
· Blog, write to the editor, or speak out
about why this is important and what people can do
about it. Important blogs to respond to include
http://wockner. blogspot. com;
http://www.americab log.com; http://www.planetou t.com;
http://www.baywindo ws.com; http://www.gay. com; and
http://www.washblad e.com.
· Thank organizations, unions, and employers
who have already signed on to the project; let them
know that their stance is appreciated and the right
thing to do.
Support the Movement for Transgender Equality!
Click on the name of either organization to donate to the National Center for Transgender Equality or the Transgender Law Center.
· Be proud of what we've accomplished and know
that you are a part of the movement to bring civil
rights to all.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
NTAC, TG and Allies to Picket Over ENDA Betrayal at HRC Dinner
Join NTAC, members of other organizations and numerous individuals in protesting the lavish October 6th annual HRC National Dinner in Washington, DC
Representative Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, will be featured as keynote speaker at the HRC event. The event will take place at the Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW (near 9th St & Mass Ave) Washington DC. For those coming in from outside of the city, this is on the Green Line at the Mount Vernon Square / UCC stop.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Rainbows Festival Cometh!

HRC finally speaks, as does Donna Rose
Read their latest public statement on ENDA where they say "The Human Rights Campaign has been and continues to be on the front lines actively and exhaustively advocating for an inclusive piece of legislation that protects all members of our community." here: http://www.hrcbackstory.org/2007/10/human-rights-ca.html
And from Donna Rose:
"One important distinction is that this letter that HRC signed is NOT the same letter signed by the 50+ various organizations who have lined up to actively oppose any form of non-inclusive ENDA. That's the position we want them to take. I think with all these lists and organizations flying here and there it's easy to mistake one thing for another. HRC did the right thing to help delay this markup but, unless something significant happens it will go through markup later this month in the hope that the furor around it dies down. I still expect that, unless someone does something amazing to stop it, the political machinery is primed to send a non-trans inclusive ENDA to the floor of the House for a vote by the end of the month. And when it passes people will be disappointed but they won't be mad."
At least we know we have Donna and other allies within HRC who are trying to fight to stand firm for an inclusive ENDA and an inclusive HRC. Her point is important to note. There is a difference between sitting back and saying you support the version of ENDA which supports gender identity, and actively opposing removal of the gender identity protections from ENDA.
So, whatcha gonna do people? Let it fade into the darkness and drop your trans brothers and sisters off the bus while no one's looking? Or continue to stand up for what you believe in?
Let's do this thang, people!
After HRC announced it's official position, Donna announced her intention to resign from the board. A time of mixed emotion for many. I am grateful for all the hard work Donna has put in and am certain she will continue to be an influential voice for trans activism in the future
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How can you get involved, where's your local vigil? What is the latest information and how do you know what's true? Check it all out on unitedenda.org
It's about time!
HRC Signs on ENDA
Mon Oct 1, 2007 10:03 pm (PST)
The Honorable George Miller, Chairman
Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Chairman Miller:
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we write to express our
opposition to the strategy and
process by which the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (HR 3685) is
to be considered in the
House of Representatives. We ask that the markup in the House
Education and Labor
Committee, scheduled for less than 24 hours from now, be canceled.
For many years, we have worked to develop an employment non-
discrimination bill that protects
the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Our
organizations support the
Employment Non-Discrimination Act as introduced (H.R. 2015).
Although we believe that the bill's sponsor, Congressman Barney
Frank (D-MA), and the House
Democratic Leadership have a sincere desire to protect the LGBT
community from
discrimination, we believe the process and strategy that has been
adopted is a mistake. That
mistake is compounded by moving forward with a markup tomorrow.
If you have any questions or need further information, please
contact Nancy Zirkin, LCCR Vice
President, at (202) 263-2880 or Rob Randhava, LCCR Counsel, at (202)
American Civil Liberties Union
American Friends Service Committee
Gender Public Advocacy Coalition
Human Rights Campaign
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Legal Momentum
National Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender
Community Centers
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Council of Jewish Women
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG National)
People For the American Way
Pride At Work, AFL-CIO
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
GLSEN - the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
The Woodhull Freedom Foundation
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Dorothy I. Height
National Council of Negro Women
Judith L. Lichtman
National Partnership for
Women & Families
Karen K. Narasaki
Asian American Justice Center
William L. Taylor
Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights
William D. Novelli
Gerald W. McEntee
Lawyers' Committee For Civil
Rights Under Law
Robert W. Edgar
National Council of Churches
Caroline Fredrickson
American Civil Liberties Union
Kim Gandy
National Organization for Women
Ron Gettelfinger
International Union, United
Automobile Workers of America
Bruce S. Gordon
Marcia Greenberger
National Women's Law Center
Andrew J. Imparato
American Association of People with
Jacqueline Johnson
National Congress of
American Indians
Edward J. McElroy
American Federation of Teachers,
Floyd Mori
Japanese American Citizens League
Marc H. Morial
National Urban League
Janet Murguia
National Council of La Raza
Ralph G. Neas
People For the American Way
Debra Ness
National Partnership for Women and
David Saperstein
Union for Reform Judaism
Theodore M. Shaw
NAACP Legal Defense &
Educational Fund, Inc.
Shanna L. Smith
National Fair Housing Alliance
Joe Solmonese
Human Rights Campaign
Andrew L. Stern
Service Employees
International Union
John Trasvina
Mexican American Legal Defense
and Educational Fund
Reg Weaver
National Education Association
Michele Warholic Wetherald
American Association of
University Women
Mary G. Wilson
League of Women Voters of
the United States
Richard Womack
Karen K. Narasaki
Asian American Justice Center
Wade J. Henderson
Leadership Conference
on Civil Rights
1629 K Street, NW
10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: 202-466-3311
Fax: 202-466-3435
www.civilrights. org
Cc: Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
Representative Barney Frank
Representative Tammy Baldwin
Sister Bingo 101
Monday, October 1, 2007
Good News and an Opportunity
Good News and an Incredible Opportunity for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act |
A Statement from NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling After a very long day (long week really) on Capitol Hill, we are very pleased to be able to share some great news. Our allies in Congress have postponed tomorrow's committee action on the substitute Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), giving us more time to win support for the original transgender-inclusive version (H.R. 2015). NCTE expresses appreciation to our Congressional allies for being so open to our calls of solidarity. We also express our deepest appreciation to everyone who has stepped up and joined in sending a very clear message to Congress that we all insist on federal employment protections that protect all LGBT people. We have been handed an amazing opportunity. The entire LGBT community is now focused on passing a fully inclusive ENDA. Transgender people particularly have gotten involved in record numbers. We need to sustain that involvement and indeed turn it up even louder for the next few weeks. We will be continuing to coordinate closely with the growing number of allies who are so intent on seeing victory through with us. It is important that transgender people and allies continue contacting their members of Congress asking them to support ENDA in order to protect all LGBT people. It's working. Keep it up. Step it up. Additional action alerts will be forthcoming. |
The National Center for Transgender Equality is a national social justice organization devoted to ending discrimination and violence against transgender people through education and advocacy on national issues of importance to transgender people. The National Center for Transgender Equality is a 501(c)3 organization. For more information, please visit www.nctequality.org. We need your support to continue this work. Click here to join our mailing list or to donate now. Thank you! |
Lamda Legal's Analysis on proposed ENDA changes - this bodes well for no GLB
‘You can’t be fired for being a lesbian or a gay man, but you can be fired if your boss thinks you fit their stereotype of one.’
(New York, October 1, 2007) — Lambda Legal's preliminary assessment of the revised version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act shows the bill to be riddled with loopholes in addition to failing altogether to protect transgender people against discrimination.
"Leaving out protections for transgender people is unacceptable, and passing a bill riddled with loopholes will make it harder to achieve equality on the job," said Kevin Cathcart, Executive Director at Lambda Legal. "You can't be fired for being a lesbian or a gay man, but you can be fired if your boss thinks you fit their stereotype of one."
"After working together for so many years on a bill to provide protections for the LGBT community on the job — we can do better than this," Cathcart added.
Preliminary Analysis Summary:
As a point of clarity for the community: The recent version is not simply the old version with the transgender protections stripped out — but rather has modified the old version in several additional and troubling ways.
In addition to the missing vital protections for transgender people on the job, this new bill also leaves out a key element to protect any employee, including lesbians and gay men who may not conform to their employer's idea of how a man or woman should look and act. This is a huge loophole through which employers sued for sexual orientation discrimination can claim that their conduct was actually based on gender expression, a type of discrimination that the new bill does not prohibit.
This version of ENDA states without qualification that refusal by employers to extend health insurance benefits to the domestic partners of their employees that are provided only to married couples cannot be considered sexual orientation discrimination. The old version at least provided that states and local governments could require that employees be provided domestic partner health insurance when such benefits are provided to spouses.
In the previous version of ENDA the religious exemptions had some limitations. The new version has a blanket exemption under which, for example, hospitals or universities run by faith-based groups can fire or refuse to hire people they think might be gay or lesbian.
Lambda Legal has long worked on employment discrimination issues and has represented clients who have faced discrimination or harassment at work based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Lisa Hardaway 212-809-8585 ext.266; Email: lhardaway@lambdalegal.org
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.
document updated 10/01/07