Guard Lyx and I joined in the fun at Mr Sister Leather this year. We missed the meet and greet, but you can see pics of all the other Sisters here: http://jaypg.phanfare.com/album/225033/297045
We donated a painting each to the auction, the funds raised went to a local AIDS Charity, and we tried to sell candles for people to light in memory of friends, in prayer to their Gods and Goddesses or the Nuns of the Above, and generally helped people have a good time.
Guard Lyx was kind enough to protect me for the evening and keep my drink refilled, for which I am most grateful, and we had the pleasure of meeting some new friends and seeing some familiar faces! A great time was had by all as you can see. Some of the pictures from the event follow (as you can see, my coronet did get pulled off at one point. Lesson learned!

I was inspired by the Sisters I met and their joyful frivolity! Guard Lyx said seeing me Manifest as Novice Sister Mischif was something like watching people at Disneyland. I believe he said, "Everybody loves you like they love Mickey Mouse!" And it was great fun posing for pictures with people, but even more so, it was fun helping people come out of their corners and get involved. It was fun to encourage people to just be themselves.

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