Blessings to all who are continuing to spread hope for Equal Rights and specifically Marriage Equality!
The rally here in Phoenix was a blast. Being that I'd been laid up with cluster migraines for the last 6 months, I was grateful that the Universe allowed me a reprieve for most of the day as I was able to get out there and manifest Mischief with 300 other Phoenicians, and blow off a little steam. Now if only I'd left before the camera flashes started going off and the bullhorn siren was blasted in my ear.

Special CONGRATULATIONS are in order to Novice Sister Jinger Breadman and her husband Mike who participated in an impromptu public commitment ritual as our sacrificial lambs for the cause. I was most grateful to be able to follow Sister Mary Timothy Simplicity's blessed example and stand with my community as they poured our hopes and dreams for the future into the holy vessels of Mike and Sister Jinger (ooh that sounds like watersports!) tho she was OOF so perhaps I should be saying Eric. I am told afterwards they celebrated with chocolate fudge cake and super hot….well I'll leave you to your imaginations. They've been together for 16 years and the question of the day was "When will we hear our wedding bells?" Keep Hope Alive! 16 years and looking forward to some day making their commitment legally recognized

As I said at the rally, "No civil rights battle has ever been lost in this country, and this won't be the first. It may take longer than some expected, and at times it is a painful labor, but we shall overcome. Let freedom ring and put those rings on our fingers." Sure those of us born and raised in California have shed some tears of anger and disapointment over this, as have the rest of our community across the nation, but we will keep on keepin on and in the end there will be marriage equality (and I believe many more equalities) coming round in every one of the United States some day. Some day we will witness many a LEGALly recognized LGBT marriage.
Pictures from the Phoenix rally are up all over facebook:
Blessed be,
Sister Mischief S. Merrymaker
"She blows where the wind blows"