Wednesday, April 30, 2008
1 Voice Community Center (Upcoming Fundraisers)
If you'd like to join the Holy Bowlers, write to Novice Oralee at And keep your eyes peeled on for future opportunities to give back to the community center so it can keep on giving back to you, such as Big Hat Bingo on Monday May 5th!
Since it's doors opened, Alternatives and the 1 Voice Community Center have been home to movies, support groups, concerts, fire dancers, community meetings, and has hosted more than a few Sister meetings as well. Our blessing of 1 VCC and Exposed took place at their grand opening, the same night as Exposed gallery opened up just across the street.
Since then 1 Voice Community Center (1VCC) still remains a mystery in most people's eyes. What exactly is it? Where is it? What do they do for the community? When one thinks of a GLBT community center, coffee and art aren't the first things that come to mind, but the Alternatives Health and Wellness center thought it was a good combination, and I'd have to agree.
James, owner of Alternatives, has opened his doors to 1 VCC, and just about any local GLBT or Alternative health event you can think of. There is yoga, meditation, and one or two guitar lessons, not to mention the men's group on Mondays, computers for free use, and a gym bunnies would love.
But what exactly is 1VCC and what do they offer to the community? Recently, a new flyer and brochure were found on the 1 VCC counter which clarified some of this for me. The brochure listed several classes. A few of the classes mentioned are Digital Photography 101, Creative Visualization, HIV Prevention in Today's World, Vegetarianism 101, Diversity in the Modern World, Wine 101, Living Green, Real Love, and New Choices, New Life.
There is also the One Voice Speaker's Bureau which works to end bigotry and prejudice. Member volunteers serve as resources to educate businesses, colleges, religious groups and citizens to create a broader understanding and acceptance of the diversity of human sexuality. If you are interested in becoming a speaker and helping to change people's thinking about sexuality, call Nathan Leblang, the Speakers Bureau Chair through 1 VCC. You just never know who you may see at 1 VCC, but it sure is good to see our community coming together for such things.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Big Hat Bingo and 1 in 10
1 in 10 is a Phoenix based LGBTQ Youth program. They provide safe space for LGBTQ youth to develop positive self-acceptance through life enhancing programs such as the youth drop in discussion and Q-Speak Theater program. The Sisters and Icepics are excited to support 1 in 10 through Echo Magazine's Beach Ball Swimsuit Contest.
So join us this coming Monday, May 5th at Icepics Video Bar, and every Monday after that for the forseeable future, for one fun game of Bingo. Just 2 dollars for the first card, 1 dollar each card after. And Pandora will announce any drink specials. You can win many fun prizes which just keep getting bigger and better each time I attend, drink tickets, and maybe even a rainbow troll doll.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Big Hat Bingo Monday Night!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Dining Out for Life
Each year restaurants and other businesses donate a certain percentage of their profit to Dining out for Life. People in the community volunteer to be ambassadors at the various locations, and this is the second year the Sisters have participated.
This year we were scheduled to host Friends and Forbidden, but Forbidden didn't need as many Sisters as we had, so we headed over to a few other locations that were a bit overwhelmed and helped out.
It was a busy day! I'm still resting up afterwards, as are several of the other Sisters you see here. Enjoy the pics!
2 Freaks in a Truck
A bit of a tongue in cheek sing along, just for fun and laughs on the way to Dining out for Life. Pictures from the Dining out 4 Life event are coming soon.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Day of Silence
On Friday, April 25, students around the country address the harassment faced by LGBT youth. Not through their words, but without them. By not speaking, they draw attention to the ways in which intolerance silences members of our communities. This year's event is dedicated to the memory of Lawrence King, an eighth grader who was shot and killed by a classmate this year because of his sexual orientation and gender identity.
The Day of Silence is a student-led action, sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a national organization that works for the rights of children of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions to have a safe and fair education. More than 500,000 students have participated in the Day of Silence in past years, in K-12 schools as well as colleges and universities.
Here in Phoenix there were day of silence activities in many places, among them, ASU, Gilbert/Chandler college, and U of A. The picture above includes students at Gilbert/Chandler college, as well as Sisters 3M and myself. You can learn more about the day of silence events taking place all over the United States, and other LGBT youth oriented projects at:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Friendly Shopping
For more Eco Friendly tips and tricks, (such as driving a prius like Patch) check out this article:
Shopping Spree!!!!!!
So, mostly it was caffeinated window shopping, but since Felicity and I had some free time before meeting up with Sister 3M at the Chandler Gilbert college, we had some tea and coffee, and some fun browsing through the Chandler Fashion Center spreading joy and laughter, and a bit of bemusement.
We started out at Starbucks in the local B&N Bookseller where Mischif nursed her Iced Chai Frap, and Felicity worshiped the caffeine Gods via iced coffee goodness. Mmmm cool and refreshing as the April temps bop around between 85 and 90 here in sunny Phoenix, AZ.
On our way through Barnes and Noble, we came across these fantastic titles. How could we not pause to admire the author's work. What Nunling wouldn't want a leather covered book titled Fetish, or a Sex Bible?
Speaking of what Nunlings might want... we then headed over to Hot Topic where Felicity eyed the many pirate punk options, and joined Kelly in the pursuit for SHOES... OMG Shoes! After finding all those goodies were beyond her budget, Postulant Felicity left with a new pirate sash, and a desire for pink and black striped tights.
And if you want to know what to buy THIS Sister for her birthday, all you have to do is visit hot topic's earing section and look for the zero gauge buddah plugs.... or this goth doll who just makes me happy. Look, his makeup and mine are the same color. A match made in heaven!
And last but not least, we stopped by Ambercrombie & Fitch to visit some of the people working within. Talk about sexy clothes that we should be putting on Felicity! I saw several pair of shorts and skirts that would look so good on her skinny butt! Something to look forward to on future trips.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Phoenix Pride in April?
The day after our veiling, a gaggle of nuns descended upon Phoenix Pride. It was wonderfully fun, and there are still tons of photos pouring in of course. Apparently we won most colorful strolling contingent. That doesn't seem like much of a surprise, especially after you take a gander at these pictures.
Pride is one of my favorite events of the year, because it's where I first saw a Sister years ago. Not in Phoenix obviously as I'm not from around these parts, but a pride nonetheless. So I always look at pride as a chance to serve my community and provide joy and laughter to the world while having a blast. What better thing is there!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Happy 4/20!
I haven't finished uploading the pictures from pride, nor the photos from the Safer Sex talk we did the other day, nor last night's Blessing, so many more to come.
But before I head out the door, I thought I would share my favorite picture of Sisters Mary Timothy Simplicity and Merry Peter representing Fire and Air at the start of the veiling ritual. These two Sisters work so well together, and truly inspire me in my path as a Sister.
Blessed be!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Party's Over.... the next begins!
Sister Buffie Fae Taybul watched over the food for us. I loved the tiny corn dogs, singing pink flamingo, and general ambiance back there in the OZ bar. Oz bar is the back room at Club Forbidden. A bar within a bar... very interestink! Oh the things that must happen in Oz.
Finally meeting our co-Mistresses of Missions, Sisters Merry Peter and Mary Timothy Simplicty in Person was one of my all time favorite moments of the night.
The performances by community members like Joe and Justice from the Phoenix Imperial Court...
Anson Reign of the Reigning Men ...
and this sexy drag king from Sisterzz Twisted were so much fun!
And my favorite part, the ritual. The MoMs really brought to life just the way I'd imagined it. The visiting Sisters pinned our black veils, and then we partied the night away! YAY!
And of course what better way to end the night than with the surprise naked male torso cake!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
More Big Hat Bingo
This time Pandora and Novice Oralee took turns on the mic, Father Do B. was the Master of Balls, and Guard Spiketakiss played Bingo, fetched drinks, brought in food for the hungry volunteers and generally watched our backs ;) Joe and Justice from the local Court stopped by and played a couple games as well. They will be running for Emporer and Empress, and came by to remind everyone to vote as Court elections are open to the community.
Big Hat Bingo will continue at Icepics Video Bar each Monday from 8 to 10 PM. It's a great place to be on Mondays! Fun, good times, good booze, cheap bingo cards, and prizes. What more could you want to turn your Monday frown upside down!