Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Breasts, Booze, Vids and Tunes

Yes, I know some of you aren't into breasts, but there certainly was a plethora of them at the Rogue tonight thanks to Genesis P.Orridge and Psychic TV! Genesis took her top off, and then shirts started flyin! Partyin at the Rogue rocked!

Genesis stopped by for hugs and piccies after the show, thank you Genesis! And thank you for the amazing statement you issued regarding transgender rights. Which is so perfectly written, passionate and engaging, that I put it all in bold at the end of this blog entry. And I agree, "You've gotta fight for your right to PEE PEE!"

You all were amazing. You had me dancin on the tables when you brought Crystal up on stage! And everyone around me was dancing the night away too! Now I'm going to have to download some of these songs from i-tunes!

By the 2nd to last song (If I'd known that, I'd have waited!) I went outside for some air, and I'm glad I did because I met Joanne from AZ Trans Alliance and she shared some passionate thoughts about activism in this stage of her life. I wish I had the whole thing on video, but here's part:

Before I could go back inside I met these lovely ladies who insisted on showing me their cleavage! (Oh my virgin eyes!) One of whom joined me later to share her thoughts about the whole Anderson's situation. Michele was there as well, and you can see me talking with her on youtube as well.

There are so many more pictures I want to share with you all! I will upload them to the photos page of azsisters.org soon!

At the proposed venue ANDERSON’S in ARIZONA.

When PTV3 was booked to play at Tom Anderson’s club on Monday 27th August 2007 we were completely unaware of the ongoing civil righs issues and the local controversy surrounding the club’s owner’s victimization of transgender persons.

As our tour has progressed we began receiving email messages from the promoters expressing concerns about the continued viability of the venue under these volatile circumstances. Due to the wonders of MYSPACE technology we also received haunting pleas and disturbing enquiries from Gay, Lesbian & Transgender activists AND individuals.

They asked us to consider canceling our concert rather than to appear to endorse Tom Anderson and company’s actions, albeit by default. We heard that “due to some complaints by unidentified biological women concerning the use of the women’s bathrooms at the club by transgender and transvestite persons. There is a real difference between both those communities that is often overlooked. Transgender people absolutely commit their lives and physical bodies to becoming the opposite gender identity to that with which DNA supplied them at birth. This is often at great personal cost and sacrifice. They often are ostracized by family, friends, workmates and their local community. No person changes gender identitiy lightly and ALL
in an enlightened democracy must honor the courage of our brothers and sisters in the transgender community. No transgender person identifying as female would ever stand up to pee, which seems to beh the problem at the heart of the issue locally.

Transvestites choose to temporarily dress as the opposite gender and whilst in their (in this instance) female persona will consider themselves temporarily “female”. Whilst it may well be possible that certain transvestites were “standing to pee” one MUST consider the alternatives.

Transgender women cannot use male bathrooms without genuine fear of harassment, ridicule, humiliation and violence. Our culture is constructed upon pre-hstoric behavior patterns that originate in male dominated cave clans where survival was imperative and rested upon attacking anything different, outside their experience, or just plain other; the unknown was always considered a threat and was always intimidated. 40 thousand years later it is the time for us to become mature and communally remove these behaviors from our culture or be damned.
As the lead vocalist of Psychic TV I am perceived as transgender, and I am proud to be. My official ID states I am FEMALE, yet I was informed that not only would I be forced to use a separate bathroom from other women, including my female spouse of 14 years, but also there would be “guards” policing the use of these segregated stalls! What exactly is the club afraid of? If the question is hygiene then I suggest an honor system based upon polite notices requesting all people perceiving themselves as women respect all varieties of women using the facilities by sitting to pee. And
if anyone out there is under the illusions that women’s bathrooms are innately more sterile and clean. Think again! Since becoming female I have been amazed at the level of pornographic grafitti in women’s stalls AND the equality of “spillage” and mess generated by both sexes.

The issue of transgender rights regarding public bathrooms is a national one. During my transition I was threatened with arrest at JFK Airport in New York for following the letter of the law and trying to use the men’s bathrooms. But to use the women’s bathroom, which is what the security insisted I did, was at the time illegal…so WHERE exactly do you believe our community should pee? Or we less that citizens, like the slaves of not so long ago, and witnessing a return to a new form of segregation? Gender segregation?

This is why Tom Andersons “solution” is and always was unacceptable. First he banned TWO entire communities for living out their Constitutional rights to SELF-DETERMINIED IDENTITY. Then he proposed policed segregation. In Many states in the U.S.A. it is illegal for transgender persons who are female to use any women’s public bathrooms. Exactly WHERE do thos people controlled by fear of the new expect us to go? In the street? Behind trees? Under cars? Whilst it may seem ludicrous to those of you who have not had the precious gift of living within both gender communities during your lives, the constant threat of official and community discrimination is a very real issue of quality of life and democratic rights.

PSYCHIC TV received information that protests were to be held outside the club if we played. For myself the position I was put in by Tom Anderson’s various actions AND his courting of the media to short-circuit civil liberties responses was intolerable. I see myself as incredibly fortunate in having a platform through Psychic TV/PTV3 to discuss issues, spread PANDROGENY (POSITIVE ANDROGENY) messages to our fan base, and through interviews, to you the media and the public you seve. I have suffered from Doctors refusing to treat me when I was in danger of dying within 3 days because I was transgender. I have been threatened, attacked, omitted from
events and gatherings of close family. Yet I count myself blessed to have been so accepted by our sisters and brothers in the transgender communities.

We felt, as a band, we simply could not be seen to endorse Tom Anderson’s policies by appearing at his club, despite his offer to treat ME as an exception. It would be an unforgivable betrayal of so many people’s trust in my integrity of spirit. With protests threatened and guards policing the situation the possibility of feelings naturally running high could have led to somebody being hurt, injured, or property damaged maybe even arrests of those of us enflamed by righteous indignation over this attempt to legitimize turning us into a marginalized sector of second class citizens with fewer legal rights than biologically heterosexual members of this
society and culture.

For this reason, AND because we truly do want our transgender brethren to enjoy our creative environment we as a band have chosen to move our concert away from Tom Anderson’s club and will now perform at THE SET, in TEMPE, ARIZONA on Monday 27th August 2007.

PLEASE inform your friends, readers, and viewers of this change on YOUR behalf in protest against the encroachment upon transgender civil liberties. Remember…

You’ve got to fight for your right to PEE PEE!


Thank you for your time and attention.
Cari saluti,

Scottsdale, Arizona 25th August 2007.



Monday, August 27, 2007

Psychic TV Moves AGAIN

Somebody has been calling and threatening The Sets with a protest (and they are using Michele's name, which is ludicrous)

So if you're going to see Psychic TV tonight, go to The Rogue at 423 N. Scottsdale Road (Filmore and Scottsdale) and if you can't find parking in front, go around the side or back

THIS IS NOT a protest, it is a CONCERT!

And an opportunity to party with Psychic TV and celebrate the fullness of who you are be you genderqueer, androgynous, male, female, transgender or other

Why people seem intent on stopping Psychic TV from performing is beyond me, and their use of Michele's name is just sad. Edit: But they didn't succeed, and here's a clip of me interviewing Michelle just before the concert

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What's it all about?

Recently the question was asked "Why would you be there?" They were referring to the Psychic TV concert, to which I'm tempted to say "To hear good music of course!" But that's only part of it! The same question has been asked of me lately about other events I've attended like the Scottsdale HRC meeting. The following answer applies to all of them:

To me, that's what being a Sister comes down to most of the time...being everybody's cheerleader. I believe we should each feel free to be fully ourselves whatever our gender or sexual orientation, no matter our skin color or music choice. I may like Christina Aguilara and you might like ACDC, what does that really have to do with anything?

You, like Genesis P.Orridge and her partner, may be intentionaly morphing your body as an artistic medium, or you may feel you are trapped in the wrong physicality and the best thing for you is to change the outside to fit what's within; what's really important is that you are living out who you are and feel free to do so without the cutting yourself and others down that guilt manifests itself as. I would hope we can support each other in feeling free to be ourself, whatever that is. I see the God/dess that is within you. As to tomorrow night, I just want us all to stay safe, and have fun!

To quote John Lennon, "You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate."

Random Mischif S. Fun

Here's a picture of me with some of the cuties I talked to about Beautiful Lips on Whistles at Charlie's before the JELLO wrestling (and if you peek in the background you may notice 3M out of face gettin ready to wrestle)

A Mischif S. Blooper:

Partyin it up with Psychic TV at The Sets

WOOOOHOOOOO! Psychic TV now has a trans friendly place to get their Industrial Rockin Vibe on!

Join me Monday night at The Sets in Tempe to enjoy their outrageously fantastic lyrics and celebrate the be-attitudes...be yourself, be fabulous and be without guilt

Buy tickets now: http://luckymanconcerts.ticketforce.com/

The Sets
93 E. Southern Ave
Tempe, AZ

This is a win win situation. We don't have to set foot in a place that isn't trans friendly, and we can hear Psychic TV! Plus Genesis P.Orridge is on the side of inclusion and will be saying a few words about that at the event. So every person who was going to protest, VICTORY! Now relax, enjoy and get your asses out there and celebrate!

A few words from Psychic TV:
Counter Cultural provocateur Genesis P-Orridge and her reactivated Psychic TV aka “PTV3” have changed the venue for their Phoenix-area show from Anderson’s Fifth State to The Sets, located at 93 East Southern Ave , Tempe, AZ (SE Corner of Mill & Southern), all advance tickets will be honored at this venue. The show’s promoters would like everyone to know that they made the decision to change venues as they felt it would be in the best interest for the show and all parties. This show is part of a North American Summer tour. They will be performing repertoire from the long awaited new album Hell Is Invisible, Heaven is Her/e.

Littering the dictionary and culture with new words for new, original ideas Genesis and now Lady Jaye can be said to follow the serious process and joy-filled strategy of “When there is no example imagine it, when there is no word for it invent one.”
It is through this deeply sincere search for a positive path of humanE evolution and his/their commitment of mind, body and soul to that voyage of discovery that such a profound global influence of his creative experimentation and current (PTV3) music continues to animate and deeply inspire successive generations. S/HE IS HER/E alive, unique and a living legend!

More info:
http://blogs. phoenixnewtimes. com/bastard/ 2007/08/phychic_ tv_show_back_ on_the_se. php

Saturday, August 25, 2007

OOH Jello Wrestling!

Bring your wrestling outfits and your love for jello to Charlie's tonight... or just come oggle the sexy men and drag queens rolling around having fun with the Phoenix Men's Chorale and Body Positive.

Drag queen jello wrestling too? Oh yes honey, even Sister 3M will be getting into the mix. So if you're not signed up yet, show up to Charlie's tonight and sign up! They'll be happy to toss you in the ring... or pool...or bowl of jello

I hope they have jello shots!

info on Charlie's:

Friday, August 24, 2007

Psychic TV and a Protest? Let's Party!!

Anderson's has canceled Psychic TV... more info to come

Come one, come all and ... ???

http://www.eastvall eytribune. com/story/ 95841

Before I could even get out all the calls to action, Tom Anderson changed his mind and fired Psychic TV! So now the question becomes... would Psychic TV be willing to play at a trans friendly location? BS West perhaps? Wild Card? Somewhere Sadisco supports?

Previous information:

Psychic TV is coming to Scottsdale, Arizona
... and surprise, surprise, in the most ironic move yet, they're playing at Anderson's. Everybody come, it's a Party and a Protest!

MON AUG 27 -
IN ARIZONA MONDAY AUGUST 27 LUCKYMAN & WILLIAM REED PRESENT The founder of Industrial music, Genesis P-Orridge & PSYCHIC TV [LONDON, UK] ANDERSONS FIFTH ESTATE 6820 E 5th Ave Scottsdale, AZ 85251 (480) 994-4168 8PM / ALL AGES / $12

So show up to support Psychic TV and Genesis P.Orridge, but DO NOT BUY DRINKS because we do not want to support Anderson's!

I wrote to Psychic TV to find out if they realized that Tom Anderson had turned Michele and 4 other lovely ladies away at the door, and of course they were unaware. They hadn't heard about the discrimination case against him. WELL THEY HAVE NOW!!!

Psychic TV says it is too late for them to cancel the show, so we should bring as many GLBT people in as possible to flood the place en masse and Psychic TV will even post a Psychic TV band member at the door to make sure everyone is treated respectfully and allowed in. YOU GO PSYCHIC TV!

So show up, pay the cover for the show, but DO NOT BUY DRINKS. And while you're at it, bring a blank face mask to support all those who have been discriminated against in Scottsdale, Arizona and anywhere! Remind Anderson's that the nameless blameless disinfranchised and discriminated masses are all around him. We're your neighbor, your sister, your brother, mother, father, aunt and grandpappy! We are not invisible, we do exist!

That's right, I'm putting a call out to one and all and the bathroom sink! I hear people from Sadisco will be showing up in genderfuck and using bathrooms willy nilly. Tom Anderson wants to make this a bathroom issue? Well THIS should be interesting! Someone from AZ Trans Alliance will be bringing unisex bathroom signs, so use whatever restroom calls to you people and let people know that no matter what your body type, it shouldn't matter where you pee. A toilet's a toilet, don't discriminate against the poor restroom facilities!

Especially you who are transitioned and moved on, straight but not narrow, MtF, lesbians, trannies, FtM, gay, genderfucked, drag kings, Sisters, friends, drag queens, bisexual and heterosexual allies of all of the above! Come as you are, or cross dress and fuck with gender for the evening. Use your best and worst judgement on which restroom fits you. Thank the guards for keeping you safe, be polite, be funny, be friendly, and get real!

For those of you who haven't heard, Anderson's 5th Estate has been turning transgender people away at the door, specifically women that they feel they can discriminate against for some reason. Here's the press release Equality Arizona and Michele have put out there.

Now that Psychic TV is playing at his club he's taking it one step further . "I had no idea," Anderson replied when told about Genesis P.Orridge and crew "That's an
outside promoter doing that. I'm sure, from some of the customers that will be transgender in nature. So we'll have to use some special arrangements to get through that show. I'll have to have security for the mens room, and they'll have to use the men's room."
Um, and what bathroom will the illustrious Genesis P-Orridge be
using? "I let the national acts like that use my office, and there's a
bathroom there, so more than likely, that's where he'll be," said

Say WHAT?!?!? And elsewhere he says he is doing this as some sort of peace offering to the transgender community? Now Tom sweety, really; you can't even keep your own stories straight! Did you plan it or were you ignorant until the media asked?

I know it's hard to believe but apparently Tom Anderson hasn't heard that discrimination has gone out of style! To think, in this day and age we still have places that think they can discriminate against an entire class of people and get away with it. Seperate but equal stopped being ok a long time ago Tom, it's so last year!

Related Stories:
Arizona Republic-July 20, 2007
Discrimination surprised bar patron

KNXV-ABC 15-July 20, 2007
Transgender speaks out after filing discrimination complaint

East Valley Tribune-July 20, 2007
Club slapped with complaint from gay rights group

KPNX-Channel 12-July 19, 2007
Scottsdale bar at center of civil rights debate

Genesis P.Orridge on gender and androgeny

Psychic TV on Wikipedia:

Working towards Equality in Arizona

Tonight I was privledged to have coffee with Meta from Equality Arizona, and her lovely partner. Meta is the lady to see if you'd like to volunteer for one of the many projects Equality Arizona is working on.

Like Equality Arizona Radio, the only such radio show specifically geared towards the GLBT community in Arizona. If you haven't heard it yet, visit their archives page. When I arrived home tonight, I went to their archival page to listen to the episode about transgender people in Arizona, so I happen to have the link open: http://www.equalityarizona.org/EducationFoundation/EqualityArizonaRadio/tabid/151/Default.aspx

Starbucks may not have the best Chai in the world... but the lesbians there are fun! They were a hoot! And sharing with her about why I became a Sister was inspiring. Nothing like sharing about Sistory and one's own calling to revitalize a Sister's spirit...well there area FEW things *wink wink, nudge nudge* But if Meta is representative of Equality Arizona, I look forward to working with them in the future!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Community Forum on anti-LGBT hate crimes

I encourage all Arizona Trans, Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Queer, Intersexed, etc. to please be part of the solution to the recent hate crimes in AZ. Here's one way to help out:

Save the Date: Community forum on anti-LGBT violence
Wednesday, September 26th @ 7pm

http://www.phoenixp ubliclibrary.org/images/BBBfull.jpg Equality
Arizona is teaming up with several community organizations to inform and
educate our community about anti-LGBT violence. The Anti-Defamation
League, 1n10, 1 Voice Community Center, GLSEN Phoenix, and ACLU invite
you to join in the forum - When is Hate a Crime?

A Community Forum on Anti-LGBT Violence - which will be held at the Burton Barr Library in Central Phoenix on Wednesday, September 26th at 7 p.m. Address:
1221 N. Central Ave. 85004

Stay tuned to the EQ AZ website - www.equalityarizona.org
http://eqfed. org/ct/gdSrSUS1sXiL/ - for more information.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Building Harmony - A meeting and an altar

Last night's SHRC meeting made it clear that they are hopeful of creating policies of inclusion in Scottsdale. Hopefully the Mayor will be supportive of their suggestions, and will work with Equality AZ during their meeting tomorrow to create better policies in Scottsdale and create more harmony and security for TLBG people who are living in OR visiting Scottsdale.

I think it was stated very clearly by Erica that there is a large amount of money being spent in Scottsdale by transgender people since there is a major surgeon for SRS found there. We also heard from many other members of the Scottsdale community including PFLAG, Equality AZ, a gay couple who moved to Scottsdale because they'd thought it was a gay friendly part of AZ and wanted to be closer to their kids who live in the state... another transgender woman, and myself and Guard Spiketakiss.

Afterwards Sam From Equality AZ thanked us for sharing our thoughts and basically said it's nice when he attends a meeting and the community speaks for itself instead of a group like Equality AZ having to speak for us. It was wonderful to meet you Sam!

Most of the things I expected to hear discussed are actually being addresssed more directly in the next meeting. But in the mean time, it was good to make connections with people in the community who attended, and let them know that the Sisters are here to support them and to make connections with some people from the Scottsdale HRC and let them know the Sisters support their attempts at creating safety and building harmony in their city.

I just hope they can work FAST, because there are some serious problems starting, and if they don't head it off now, it will only get worse. I heard them saying it's not what Scottsdale wants to be, so I say... stop it now.

Afterwards I built an altar in public, at Papago State Park. It will eventually be taken apart, pieces may be taken and used by others, or someone from the park may take it down, but creating it left me feeling empowered and that I was actively working towards empowering others, almost more than attending the SHRC meeting did (although that also was a good experience)

I recommend anyone living in Scottsdale who has concerns attend the SHRC meeting. They are willing to listen to community concerns, and in fact do want to hear directly from their community. Not only on TLBG issues, but also on issues of Race, Gender and Religion.
I encourage you to attend and share your thoughts.

The altar I built was
Devoted to: Njord, The Great Mediator
* Focal Aspect: Building harmony in the Scottsdale community, ending hate crimes and discrimination. Asking Njord, the Great Mediator to help the SHRC in communicating the needs of the city to the Mayor, to help the TLBG community
* About the altar: I built this altar in Papago State Park on my way home from the Scottsdale Human Rights Commission meeting where it was discussed various discriminations and how to deal with them
* Why that location?: Why not? It was perfect. We just felt lead to where we put it. Also, I have done ritual at Papago State Park before and knew there is a lot of good spiritual energy there

I look forward to making other altars in the future. It was a really empowering experience and I hope to involve others next time so they too may feel empowered, revitalized and rejuvinated as I did. I sent more information about the altar as well as several pictures to the altar project

They already put a page up about it here:

And you can also see the video Guard Spiketakiss took of me setting the altar up on my youtube channel

Monday, August 13, 2007

An Altar to Njord; Scottsdale HRC meeting TONIGHT

I've been planning on building a public altar in the vein of the altar project that I mentioned elsewhere... and tonight's meeting actually seems the perfect place. I'll play it by ear, but I think I'm going to put together a little portable altar kit to bring with me, and some of the things I've collected for Njord's altar.

He is the great mediator, and the Scottsdale Human Rights Commission could use all the help communicating with the powers that be that they can get.

Mostly tho, the point of the energy I'm going to build this altar in is that the needs of the local TLBG community are communicated clearly to the SHRC, the Mayor of Scottsdale, and more importantly the Gods, Goddesses, and whatever other powers may be.

If I don't put it up there, I will find another public place for it.

BTW, if you are planning to attend the Scottsdale HRC meeting, please feel free to bring anything you wish to add to the altar. You can bring anything with a Transgender, Lesbian, Bi/Trisexual, Gay, Queer, Intersexed, Straight Ally, Love/Anti Hate Crime, Inclusion/Anti Discrimination bent to add to the altar.

Remember it will be left in a public location, so no family heirlooms or things you wish to keep.

Scottsdale Human Relation Commission meeting is scheduled for TONIGHT the 13th, at 5pm
at 7575 E. Main st. Scottsdale (south on Miller off Indian School).


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Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Pet Project, to BLOW-AZ

Beautiful Lips on Whistles, Arizona (BLOW-AZ) is here... look for Sisters at a local Queer establishment near you! Last night I met up with Novice Sisters Atopa, May and Leavia, and Postulant Oralee at Friends where we ran into a friend from the Imperial Court. Always fun to run into people we recognize as well as making new friends!

I handed out many of the 10 ways for Sluts and Hos to Stay Alive handouts, and a few of the 10 ways for Drag Queens to Stay Alive handouts which you can see on our safety page. The lovely gentleman (CJ?) from Imperial court who you see to the left took a couple to put up on their website, for which I'm grateful. They're a fun way to start conversations about safety issues in our community!

Yesterday I also found these fabulous lip shaped whistles which we'll be purchasing to hand out at some point this summer, so stay tuned!

Tonight I'll be out supporting the Phoenix Kings at the Yucca Tap:
Phoenix Kings & Queens 8 PM,
August, 11 2007 at Yucca Tap Room
Tempe, Arizona
Cost : 0

Look forward to seeing you all there!!!!!!

Update on Monday's SHRC meeting and Anderson's Situation

Monday's meeting with SHRC I personally believe is about 3 main issues:

- Recent hate crimes in Scottsdale against gay men and transwomen.. .I don't know if anyone else has been attacked, but I wouldn't put it past em.

- The Anderson's idiocy (on his part not on Michelle's part) GO MICHELLE FOR STANDING UP FOR OUR RIGHTS!

- Mayor Manross's refusal to proclaim June as Queer Pride Month

The owner of Anderson's would like to make that situation about bathroom use, but it's not. There's an update on anderson's below.

I personally hope to accomplish letting Michelle and everyone at the HRC know that the TLBGQI community supports anti hate crime and anti discrimination policies and that Mayor Manross get behind such things as well and do more than talk about Scottsdale not being in support of the actions of recent residents. (tho I'm glad she's finally made a public statement against discrimination! )

Having community members there will also allow community members to learn about the process and about what is going on.

Look for me on Monday, I'll be there in face (as Sister Michif) supporting love and safety in the TLBGQI communities

aka Novice Sister Mischif S. Marymaker
http://sistermischi f.blogspot. com

Posted by: "Erica Keppler" to AZ Trans Alliance

For those who haven't heard, Tom Anderson has refused to go in for
questioning by investigators with the Attorney General's office in the
matter of the discrimination complaint against him by members of our
community. He has let them media know that he will only go in if they issue
him a subpoena. Further, he has told the press that fighting this case is
going to be very expensive, and he is actually soliciting contributions to a
defense fund. He said that he's at risk of losing his business.

This represents a very significant victory in our fight to preserve the
rights of the transgendered to equal access to commerce. Tom Anderson
himself has put out the message through the media that discriminating
against the transgendered can bring on potentially damaging legal action and
expenses. He's effectively told the entire business community of our state,
"Don't mess with the transsexuals. " That, in a nutshell, was our primary
goal from the beginning in this. From here on, it's all gravy.

We intend on keeping up the pressure on him. He's the one who wants to make
this a media fight, and we intend on countering his every move. We're in
the right on this, and he knows it, but he's still convinced that he can win
in the court of public opinion. This is where it becomes our mission to be
the calm, rational voice, educating the public that we are a harmless,
discriminated minority who they have no reason to fear.

The following is a press release which we are distributing to the media with
the help of Equality Arizona:



Friday, August 10, 2007
Contact: Erica Keppler @ azerica@hotmail. com

Tom Anderson�s Refusal to Cooperate With Attorney General

Tom Anderson�s refusal to cooperate with the Attorney General�s
investigation into the charges of discrimination based on gender
stereotyping against members of the transgender community demonstrates he is
aware the charges are serious and have merit. The Arizona Transgender
Alliance is confident this will send a message to the greater Arizona
business community that they are not entitled to discriminate against the
transgendered regardless of their personal feelings or discomfort, and
choosing to behave as Mr. Anderson has may result in serious legal and
financial difficulties. This is not a final resolution in the specific
dispute with Anderson, but it is a significant victory in securing the
rights of the transgender community of this state.

Synopsis of this case:

� This is a criminal case. Tom Anderson is being investigated by the
Attorney General�s office on charges of discrimination based on gender
stereotyping. No civil suit has been filed in this case.

� Tom Anderson has been elevating this case in the media. The parties
issuing the complaint and Arizona Transgender Alliance are attempting to
respond to recent media attention.

� This case is about access to business. We at Arizona Transgender Alliance
are seeking to preserve the right of all transgendered people in this state
to fair and equal access to commerce, like everyone else.

� This case is not about the restroom issue. Tom Anderson has never
attempted to address the restroom issue. He has banned transgendered people
from his club, not his restrooms.

� All of Anderson�s complaints against the transgender community were done
by one person on one night. Instead of addressing his issues with the one
person giving him problems, he has acted against an entire community of
people who were not involved.

� Anderson�s actions were motivated by an increasing transgender presence in
his club. Anderson was made uncomfortable by an increasing number of
transsexuals in his club, and acted to remove them. The restroom issue is
his public excuse.

� Anderson has exaggerated every claim. He�s implied many transsexuals were
in the women�s room repeatedly over a long period. There was only one on
only one night. He claims he received dozens of complaints from women.
This is impossible. Dozens of women could not have been in the restroom at
the same time.

� Only Anderson has brought up making a third restroom for transgenders. No
one on our side has ever proposed this.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Fwd: Emergency Scottsdale HRC Meeting - WE NEED YOU!

We need your help send this out to everyone, there is an emergency
Scottsdale Human Relation Commission meeting scheduled for the 13th at 5pm at 7575 E. Main st. Scottsdale (south on Miller off Indian School).

Please get the message out we need all the people we can get. It would do well to have as many community members there because of the meeting Equality Arizona will be having with the Mayor on the 15th.

Let's fill the room and let the City and the Commission know that we are not happy with the way Scottsdale has been handling there TLGB problems.

I got a few emails for details so... Here's a general run down of what has been happening in Scottsdale:
- Hate Crimes... several of them.
- Transgender people OPENLY, publically barred from Anderson's (And honey, if they can ban the trannies they can ban the gays. Don't doubt it)
- Mayor Manross's beheading of the Queer Pride Month Proclomation.
- General homophobia and transphobia in the city go unaddressed

More details: A transgender woman attacked outside a local establishment, 2 gay men and their car even more recently...verbal harrassment, etc. Recently, Michelle and a few friends were returned their money and asked to leave a club in Scottsdale called Andersons because they're transwomen being told "We don't want your kind here" it's been in the news you may have seen her batteling Anderson's. He is being such an idiot at this point that all transgender people are banned from his establishment openly and he's developing a defense fun. A DEFENSE FUND? He could have simply taken the sign we gave him for the bathroom if it was about bathroom issues as he claimed, so it is obviously plain and simply bigotry.

And to add insult to injury, the Queer Pride proclomation that the Scottsdale Human Rights Commission presented to Mayor Manross was turned down...she instead wrote up a Diversity Month proclomation which went unnoticed by her Scottsdale residents and was followed by more attacks against people in the LBTGQI community.

Echo magazine and HRC have both discussed this,

And here on azcentral.com:

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

3 nights of Sisterly Manifestations

Join Visible Vote 08 tomorrow at Jaded (formerly Burger Betty's) tomorrow night for Visible Vote 08 (see previous post) between 5 and 9pm... and if you're from my part of the valley and can give a Sister a ride, let me know!

Friday night I will be out at a local watering hole near you doing a safety darshan...

and then on Saturday join me in supporting my friend who will be performing drag with the Phoenix Kings in Tempe:

Phoenix Kings & Queens 8 PM,
August, 11 2007 at Yucca Tap Room
Tempe, Arizona
Cost : 0

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Visible Vote 08

Get out there people! If you happen to be in or near Phoenix, AZ join us thursday night at Jaded, to participate in/watch Visible Vote 08

Jaded AZ (formerly Burger Betty's)
5111 N. Seventh St.
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Phone: 602-240-6969

And get your questions in to the politicians NOW: http://visiblevote08.logoonline.com/