And if you are a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and would like to join us in face, but you need more information... please contact Sister Leavia Laufin at
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Join us at Phoenix Pride this April 13-15th!
And if you are a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and would like to join us in face, but you need more information... please contact Sister Leavia Laufin at
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Birth of a Mischif S. Sister
Sister Mischif began as a small but powerful seed of impish delight planted within a young child's heart on a bright and magical summer's day during the 80's in sunny Southern California, when a lone Sisterly figure, beautiful in her display of love and kindness stood out from the crowd by her energy and light and blessed Mischif's alter ego.
Popping cherries and spreading glitter wherever she goes, this pagan Sister had a long gestation, but much like the Gods and Goddesses, fae and animal spirits with whom she communes, Sister Mischif is here and larger than life!
As a child of 10 or so, before Sister Mischif came to be... her alter ego was simply walking down the street on his way home from school, minding his own business, when he heard the jeers of locals crashing against his ears. The words were not unknown to him, but as he looked up he realized the jeers were not directed at him. Instead they were flung at a small but mighty crowd of perhaps 20. Outnumbered by their defiant neighbors, they proudly and strongly clung together, marching on and shouting their chants. In all this, one brilliant light shone, glorious in love and fabulous energy!
Dancing around the outskirts and daring to approach each and every person on the street it's a NUN? No a clown! No, it's a drag nun in white face! While others clustered in the middle of the street and shouted and chanted angrily, the Sisterly figure lay hands on any who would accept and some who were too shocked to move.
A light sprang up within the child and he began to dance with joy as the Sister neared him and lay her hands upon his cheeks telling him, "You're beautiful just as you are!" and the faery light within shone brilliantly as the child joined in the chants, but with joy that he was no longer alone and much to his parents dismay, the child chanted in a sing song voice all the way home, "We're here, we're queer get used to it! We're here, we're fabulous, get used to us!"
Years later she burst to life in a dazzling spray of fur, feathers and faery cum. Intent upon sharing her impish delight with the world and spreading the joy of the dance wherever she goes, Sister Mischif is called to help others let go of their guilt ond fears, embrace their true selves more fully, and bring to light the beauty within each of us, while reminding herself and others not to take things too seriously, and always make time to play!
Is there something you've been afraid to try but always wanted to? Take the leap! "Life's a dance you learn as you go" Enjoy the dance!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Sister Mischif joins Blogger

Welcome you cherrylicious thing you! You've just taken my blogger cherry! Yes Sister Mischif has joined the world of bloggers!
My full name is Novice Sister Mischif S. Marymaker, Keeper of the Chalice of the Cherrytakers. I look forward to sharing my experiences as a founding member of the AZ Mission of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence along the way.
I'm just learning how to use blogger, so bear with me, and in the mean time, you can learn more about me at!